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October 6, 2023


  • Feature Our Node and Express libraries have been updated to include clearPassword and inviteUser.
  • Improvement Additional arguments have been added to createOrg, updateOrgMetadata and updateUserMetadata in our Node and Express libraries.
  • Feature Our Go library has been updated to include ClearPassword, Disable2FA, ChangeRole. and CreateOrgV2
  • Improvement Additional arguments have been added to updateOrg in our Go library.
  • Feature Our Rust library has been updated to include create_access_token, delete_org, and clear_password
  • Improvement Additional arguments have been added to update_org and update_user_metadata in our Rust library.
  • Improvement Added a force refresh option to getUserFromServerSideProps in our Next.js library
  • Improvement Reduced the cases where Next.js middleware was necessary.
  • Bugfix Fixed some issues in our Next.js library around logout